Tuesday, February 1, 2011

One Born Every Minute

Have you seen the previews for this show yet?? I see them all the time because the show was recorded here at a hospital in Columbus. It was actually the hospital where I had my sweet little Ava. And they actually started recording the show not long after I had Ava. I kinda wish I was on the show but to be honest I don't think my birth would have gotten high ratings for reality TV. I asked for the room to be mostly empty and VERY QUIET. When my sisters arrived my mom had to whisper to them to not say a word, especially to me. I was concentrating on getting through each contraction naturally. Luckily I did and I was only in the labor for a few hours. So yeah, it really would not have been interesting to watch.


Are you going to watch the show?? I sure will be.


  1. i found your blog via ohdeardrea, you and your little one are adorable! mind if i stay a while? much <3


    p.s. YES to the show :]

  2. ha ha! i actually hadn't seen any previews until this, only an ad in a magazine that i snapped a photo of and sent to my boyfriend because it had a picture of a lady screaming (in labor, presumably) with the words STOP TELLING ME TO BREATHE! really big. cause yeah, that's what i yelled at him when i was in labor too. :P

    it looks funny, i'm definitely gunna watch!
